Poem of the Day

  • Poem of the Day-11/12 Patterson/Nicholson 11/14 Owens-Kurtz/Martinez 11/18 Morris/Koch

Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Final project proposal

On Veracross you'll find the chapbook assignment I used last time for this class.  It lays out all the expectations and grading criteria clearly.  If you want to create that kind of final project, it's all there.

However, there are many other ways to 'publish' poetry and if you want to try a different approach for your final project, I'd like you to write up a proposal.  In addition to the project, you'll need to make a 2-4 minute presentation of your project and one or more poems to the class during the final exam period in the lecture hall.

It should include the following:

  • What form(s) will your project take?-  chapbook, commercially published book, set of smaller booklets, video(s), spoken word or other approaches.  You could publish by performing in different places or creating poems about a particular place or experience and sharing them in the SPA community. If you're participating in the gender anthology, for example you could take on a leadership role there, or you could just submit a poem or two and focus your energy elsewhere.  
  • What direction will your poems take?-  How will you both develop your voice and extend into different areas?  You might develop an idea, your voice or a particular approach.  It might be sonnets.  Extending an idea across several poems, or writing a long poem across several ideas would be another approach. Visual approaches are another possibility

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